“I Pray God, Rid Me of God” – sermons for Trinity Sunday

Eckhart rid me of GodMeister Eckhart’s fervent plea: “I pray God, rid me of God” becomes a sort of mantra for me whenever the task of contemplating the Trinity rolls around on the liturgical calendar.  I offer some previous Trinity sermons to my fellow preachers as my way of saying, “I pray God, rid me of God!!!” Shalom…

click on the sermon title

If I Could Explain the Trinity to you, I would, but I cannot.

I’m not that good a preacher!

While Preachers Dutifully Ponder the Doctrine of the Trinity,

Our Congregations Shrink???

“Trinity: Image of the Community that is God” Desmond Tutu

The Athanasian Creed and an Unholy Trinity

Wolf Blitzer Learned that there are Indeed Atheists in Fox-holes

Poor Old Nicodemus – Doomed to Play the Fool – John 3:1-17

Like Nicodemus we have blinders on! Our focus upon preserving the church gets in the way of our rebirth!

2 thoughts on ““I Pray God, Rid Me of God” – sermons for Trinity Sunday

  1. If I have not previously sent this comment to you, I have no trouble sending it again.

    Pastor Dawn, I so much appreciate your contribution to the work of Progressive Christianity. I’m doing my own “stuff” and you provide such good food for thought. Whenever I quote you, I make the proper reference. Nothing I’ve written yet is for sale, just for educational purposes.

    You hit the nail on the head so frequently and I am blessed by it.

    Keep up your great work. Thank you so much.

    Pastor David

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