Easter Stories: Guest Preacher: Michael Morwood

Michael MorwoodThis has been an amazing weekend at Holy Cross as we’ve explored a new story of what it means to be human and discovered new ways of contemplating the Divine Presence that permeates the cosmos. Michael Morwood has taught us and challenged us to peer through 21st century lenses at the one we call G-o-d. Michael concluded his time with us by delivering the sermon on Luke 24:13-35 in which he moved us beyond the Easter stories to a place were we could imagine so much more than words can capture! Enjoy!!!

Firefox users will need to click on this link to listen:  Morwood sermon

4 thoughts on “Easter Stories: Guest Preacher: Michael Morwood

  1. Pastor Dawn,
    Can you recheck the audio link from your website for Michael Morwood? I’m running FireFox 28.0 on a Windows platform and the audio plug-in will not play (at all)? If there is another way of listening to, or downloading, the audio … that is fine; just let me know. Thanks,

  2. Pingback: Words Will Always Fail Us: an Easter Sermon | pastordawn

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