The Convergence of Science and “Spirituality”

religion scienceDean Radin defines “spirituality” as an internal knowledge that there is something more and connecting with that more in a meaningful way. He asks whether science can begin to explore this connectivity and suggests that rather than a convergence of science and spirituality there will be a broadening of scientific perspective. 

“Radin PHD., is the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and teaches at Sonoma State University. Before joining the research staff at IONS in 2001, he held appointments at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International, where he worked on a classified program investigating psychic phenomena for the US government. He is author or coauthor of over 200 technical and popular articles, a dozen book chapters, and three books including the award-winning The Conscious Universe(HarperOne, 1997), Entangled Minds (Simon & Schuster, 2006), and most recently, SUPERNORMAL (Random House, 2013).”